Ali Reed's fundraising challenge!
Tuesday, 4 March 2025Gordonian Ali Reed 13116 (2021) is taking part in an attempt to break the world record for the longest game of rugby ever played. At the same time, he...
Whitehall Parade and Gordonian Reunion 2025
Saturday, 18 January 2025Thank you to all those who attended the Whitehall Parade and our Gordonian Reunion. We welcomed lots of new faces as well as those who we see regularly....
Gordonian Award Winners 2024
Wednesday, 1 January 2025Huge congratulations to our newest Gordonian Award Winners, who through donations, will receive £1,000 over the next three years towards their chosen...
Welcome, Hannah, to The Gordonian Advisory Panel
Monday, 30 September 2024A huge welcome to Gordonian Hannah Russell 11120 (2012) who has joined The Gordonian Advisory Panel. Hannah joins current members Paul, Nigel, Jonathan...
Update from our Award Winner
Monday, 16 September 2024Maya, our 2023 Sport Winner, has updated us on her latest season of Rugby and how the Award has benefitted her. It's wonderful to see her starting her...
Gordonian Memorial Service 2024
Saturday, 6 July 2024Thank you to all those who attended to The Gordonian Memorial Service on 6th July 2024. For those that didn't, please watch via the recording here.
Patronage of Gordon's School
Wednesday, 15 May 2024Delighted that His Majesty King Charles has accepted the Patronage of Gordon’s, continuing the tradition of the reigning Sovereign’s Patronage...
William Harold Inter-House Charity Cup
Wednesday, 15 May 2024The William Harold Charity Cup
Gordonian William Harold 6573 (1958) left a legacy to Gordon’s, and with the support of his family, this legacy...
Gordonian William Harold 6573 (1958) left a legacy to Gordon’s, and with the support of his family, this legacy...
Marathon success!
Wednesday, 24 April 2024Huge congratulations to Gordonians James Wythe 10636 (2010), George Henly 10577 (2008) and Pete Selley 10615 (2008) who ran the 2024 London marathon on...
Thank you to Gordonian Sisters!
Monday, 4 March 2024Thank you to Natasha 10022 (2004) and Daisy 10319 (2006) Greenhead, who returned to School as Natasha spoke to students about her journey into law and...
Visit from former Headmaster Denis Mulkerrin
Wednesday, 21 February 2024Wonderful to welcome back former Headmaster of Gordon's Denis Mulkerrin. Many of you will have attended during his time as Headmaster between 1994...
Careers Fair
Wednesday, 7 February 2024A huge thank you to our 5 Gordonians who attended our School Careers Fair last night. They joined 45 other delegates to meet with students to talk about...
Whitehall Parade and Gordonian Reunion
Saturday, 27 January 2024An afternoon full of chatter, memories and linking up with other Gordonians from 2023 leavers to those who left in 1960.
All commented how well...
All commented how well...
Interview for Greatest Hits Radio
Thursday, 7 December 2023The fundraising efforts of students and staff in Angus’ Army featuring on Greatest Hits Radio news this morning. Angus’ Army, formed to support...
Gordon's School Parade and Remembrance Service
Wednesday, 15 November 2023Staff, students and their families, many of whom are serving in the Armed Forces, joined together on Sunday 12th November for the Gordon’s Parade...
Khartoum House Reunion!
Monday, 6 November 2023Lovely to see happy faces from a Khartoum House 1977 - 1981 reunion in London on Saturday.
In the main photo from Left to Right John Simmonds 7958,...
In the main photo from Left to Right John Simmonds 7958,...
Rowing Success!
Wednesday, 11 October 2023Fantastic news from Gordonian Aidan Thompson 11286 (2013) who concluded his 2022/23 season being selected to represent Great Britain at the World Championships...
Gordonian Tours!
Saturday, 23 September 2023What a wonderful sunny morning welcoming Gordonians John McNeil 6957 (1963), Colin Rush 5370 (1945), Colin Powell 7223 (1968) and their families back to...
Gordonians vs Staff Sport and Social 2023
Tuesday, 12 September 2023To start the new academic year at Gordon's, Gordonians returned to School to once again play against Staff in netball and football and to enjoy a BBQ...
Gordonian Memorial Service 2023
Thursday, 13 July 2023We are pleased to share with you the recording of the Gordonian Memorial Service. Please click here to watch....
Annual Parade and Gordonian Memorial Service 2023
Thursday, 6 July 2023It was wonderful to welcome so many Gordonians to School on Saturday 1st July. We began the day with refreshments in the Library and then followed the...
The Big Blaw at Annual Parade 2023!
Monday, 3 July 2023A highlight of Annual 2023, held on Saturday, was the Big Blaw.
Gordonians from 1974 to 2022 joined in with bagpipes and drums and seeing them playing...
Gordonians from 1974 to 2022 joined in with bagpipes and drums and seeing them playing...
Gordonian Henry wins in the Navy Rugby Team!
Friday, 26 May 2023Gordonian Henry Hughes 10698 (2009) played in the winning Navy Team against Gordonian Brothers Cameron and Michael McDonald at Twickenham earlier this...
Annual Parade - RSVP now!
Thursday, 25 May 2023We are thrilled to welcome back Gordonians on Saturday 1st July for the Gordonian Memorial Service and Annual Parade. Please RSVP to let us know you're...
19 Gordonians collect their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award!
Monday, 22 May 2023Buckingham Palace for 19 Gordonians, who were presented with their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award on Friday. The group, who completed the challenge...
The Gordonian Spring 2023
Friday, 19 May 2023To read the Spring 2023 edition of The Gordonian please click here...
Gordonian Brothers make modern history!
Sunday, 14 May 2023Congratulations to Gordonian brothers Cameron McDonald 11500 (2015) and Michael McDonald 10970 (2011) who have become the first pair of brothers from Army...
Gordonian Newsletter Winter 2022
Tuesday, 13 December 2022To read the Winter 2022 edition of the Gordonian Newsletter, please click here...
Gordonian Runners - An Update From Mark Bissett 8077
Monday, 28 November 2022Gordonian Mark Bissett 8077 (1982) features in our Autumn 2022 Newsletter with a small snapshot of his busy summer. Here he describes, in full, the amazing...
Gordonian Memorial Service 2022
Monday, 4 July 2022Saturday 2nd July 2022 we held the Gordonian Memorial Service in the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor.
Click here...
Click here...
Gordonian Newsletter Spring 2022
Thursday, 12 May 2022To read the Spring 2022 edition of the Gordonian Newsletter please click here...
Gordonian Newsletter Winter 2021
Sunday, 19 December 2021To read the Winter 2021 edition of the Gordonian Newsletter please click...
Gordonian Memorial Service 2021
Thursday, 1 July 2021Gordonian Memorial Service 2021 was recorded in June 2021.
Click here to view the Gordonian Memorial Service 2021...
Click here to view the Gordonian Memorial Service 2021...
Gordonian Newsletter Spring 2021
Tuesday, 25 May 2021To read the Spring 2021 edition of the Gordonian Newsletter please click here...
Second Hand Uniform Sale
Wednesday, 24 March 2021Calling all Gordonians from the class of 2019 and 2020!!
This is your opportunity to earn some cash in exchange for your old PE uniform.
This is your opportunity to earn some cash in exchange for your old PE uniform.
Gordonian Newsletter Winter 2020
Tuesday, 15 December 2020To read the Winter 2020 edition of the Gordonian Newsletter please click here
Back to School Update - 2020
Thursday, 17 September 2020 On a very sunny Monday 7 September we welcomed nearly all 928 students (a few were delayed getting back from overseas) back to Gordon’s for the...
Gordonians v Old Salesians Charity Cricket Match 31st August 2020
Monday, 7 September 2020Match Report
The second annual charity cricket match between two young Gordonians and Salesian line-ups saw a repeat of last summer, as...
The second annual charity cricket match between two young Gordonians and Salesian line-ups saw a repeat of last summer, as...
Gordonian Memorial Service July 2020
Wednesday, 1 July 2020The 2020 Gordon's School Annual Parade was cancelled due to COVID-19 and social distancing measures. Therefore, the Gordonian Memorial Service was...
An Evening of Cheese and Wine
Monday, 10 February 2020Join our friendly social community for an Evening of Cheese and Wine - Friday 28th February: 7.30pm at Gordon's School.
Taste 3 Red and 3 White...
Taste 3 Red and 3 White...
Gordonian Newsletter Winter 2019
Thursday, 12 December 2019In this issue you will find articles around Annual, The new Woolwich house opening, Some important association changes and we say goodbye to Gordonian...
You are invited to......
Thursday, 17 October 2019...join us for an unforgettable evening at Gordon’s on Saturday 23rd November when award-winning chef Aneke Spacie will produce a mouth-watering...
Latest School Magazine
Tuesday, 8 October 2019The Autumn 2019 School Magazine (formerly Gordon's News) can be found here...
Luke Towers Memorial Match
Tuesday, 17 September 2019The Luke Towers’ Memorial Match, postponed from last week, will be taking place on Saturday (21st September) on the Front Field. The match...
Young Gordonian Sports & BBQ
Thursday, 12 September 2019It was lovely to welcome back leavers from 2015-19 before many of them head off to university. A special mention to Holly Duffield (2015) and Mr Lowe...
Chapel Wedding
Tuesday, 3 September 2019Congratulations to Gordonian Giles Maltby (2001) who married Anne in the School Chapel during August. It was a beautiful occassion with Rev Sarah...
Gordonian Cricket Success
Monday, 2 September 2019Well done to our Gordonian cricketers who had a convincing 83 run win over Old Salesians in August. Captain James Somerville (2015) led a squad of younger...
Medical Careers Day - Saturday 14th September
Monday, 19 August 2019Training to be a doctor? Working in a veterinary practice? Apprentice in a biotech company?
We are looking for Gordonians who can come into school on...
We are looking for Gordonians who can come into school on...
Gordonian Cricket Match
Monday, 22 July 2019We have a team of Gordonian cricketers who will be playing a charity match against a team of Old Salesians and would welcome your support.
The Gordonian Association
Tuesday, 9 July 2019Thank you to all Gordonians who participated in our recent vote and to those who attended our AGM.
At the Gordonian Association AGM held on Saturday...
At the Gordonian Association AGM held on Saturday...
Mr Henry Stapleton (Staff)
Friday, 14 June 2019It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of Mr Henry Stapleton. Henry retired from the School in 1991 having undertaken many roles during his...